
超声波金属焊接原理principle of ultrasonic metal weld
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超声波金属焊接原理principle of ultrasonic metal weld

时间:2013-04-18 11:00 点击:
超声波金属焊接机 是通过高频的机械振动对非铁磁性的金属物料工件进行焊接。在焊接过程中,将其中一个工件固定,另一个工件以20kHz的频率在其表面进行循环往复的振动,同时对工


    Ultrasonic metal welding is a mechanical process, which translates electric power in high frequency into mechanical vibration via transducer and acts on the articles to be processed, Their surface in contact produces high-frequency friction which makes heat, gets cohered and welded, During the welding, there is neither current passing through the parts welded,nor welding arc in the mode of electric weld. As ultrasonic welding nerver brings about heat exchange or resistivity, it is an ideal welding system for non-ferrous metal, It is particualarly suitable to be used to treat thin and small material on a single-spot, multi-spot, square-shaped, bar-shaped, single-layer, multi-layer or compound basis, such as aluminum, nickel, copper, silver, etc.


